Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
My first "craft fair"
View from the entrance (left) and Zoe at our table (above)ready to sell some handmade goods!
Bring on the dogs! All twenty-eight of them!
The Assistant Director posing with some retro-tastic merchandise. She was working her buns off that night.
Ahhhh! Mayhem!
Two ladies and one of the dogs up for adoption. By this time I was under the assumption the entire place was inebriated (with the exception of Zoe and myself). So, after standing unnoticed for a full minute while these two had a conversation about this dog with each other, I snapped their photo and left.
The girl in the brown sweater here showed up three and a half hours late. (Well after the reformation of our gift sale into doggie party.) The dress she's wearing was for sale. I don't know what she would have worn had she sold it. Notice she is selling cremebrulee being served at "pug-level". I held my breath in anticipation that her blanket would become a doggie self-service-flan-station, but she eventually moved her goodies into a box out of snout distance. She sold more than any of the other vendors. Apparently, given enough alcohol, people think buying food off of the floor with twenty-eight dogs running around (some off leash) is a good idea.
At last, nearing the end of the night (NINE O'CLOCK PM), I took a photo from our table to capture my view of the party. By this time nearly all of the vendors had left or had abandoned their tables; and pretty much the place had digressed into a social gathering. We came to realize not one person in attendance had come with the intention to buy gifts, or dogs apparently, as most of them had already brought their own. Alas, I had to drive an hour home and could not partake in the merriment. So I continued to sit at my table, hoping that at any minute a shopper with a hankerin' for some silky scarves and twinkly wine bottles might come through the door. They did not.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Craft fair madness!!!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Personal Project
Laurel Ridge Barrel Select Pinot Noir
Terra Vina Cabernet Sauvignon 2005
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Lemelson Vinyards: Thea's Selection Pinot Noir
Erath: Pinot Gris
Witness Tree: Chainsaw Pinot Noir
Dalla Vina: Bella Vista Red
Now known as Terra Vina, this winery based out of Wilsonville, Oregon refers to this as their table wine. I couldn't believe they consider this as just a table wine... Then I tried their Cab Franc.
This bottle is taller and more slender than regular bottles. The glass casts a warm, green glow. The label is black and burgundy with gold lettering so I chose some grapes to accent those deeper colors. Ribbon is a cream color with a touch of gold trim.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Bottles are Back!!!
Fall is my favorite! Having already embarked on a few "color drives" to enjoy the changing leaves, dabbled in a bit of grape harvesting, and helped out with a little wine production this year I find myself swept up in Autumnal excitement and involved in the harvest season more than ever. It's a perfect time to start making these little beauties again.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Metal sculpture
My father is an amazing artist... he doesn't know it or acknowledge it persay, but he is. He makes the most beautiful, 3-D metal work I've ever seen. Recently, I realized that I had a golden opportunity here to apprentice him and asked him to teach me how to make these incredible works of art. He was more than happy to. So, I wanted to share my progress on my first metal sculpture.
This is my first flower and the basis for the rest of the piece.
Phase two, I added another flower and some smaller leaves to add a little more dimention to the piece.
Phase three: Another bloom and three more large leaves. This piece is really starting to fill out!
The welding is proving to be soooo tricky! Especially since I am working on this in segments on weekends when I can visit my parents. I have to be very careful not to ruin any of the previous work on it, or heat the acrylic finish on a completed flower while welding. I'm still not finished quite yet, but I'm really anxious to, I want to get this on my wall!